I really want to volunteer and even mentioned it my boss today and he said, even though I didn't ask, that he thinks if I was serious about that he could give me a leave of absense for 2-3 weeks (my wife is the real bread winner we are dependent on). But are they calling for volunteers right now? I went to redcross.org and there is no general appeal for them. I wouldn't want to go there and just stand around for a couple weeks because 1)it would be a heartbreaking waste of my time, I would be there just depressed as hell with not being able to do anything... and 2) if I am not needed, it be very bad of me to burden the already strained resources of the area. As a former field coordinator in the 2004 elections I also know how annoying/burdensome volunteers can become if there is not a organized plan on how to use them and from the looks of things, very unfortunately, there seems to be no fucking plan at all. Any advice? Volunteer locally? (I live in Yuma, AZ.... Southern La. would be a good 2 days drive.