Chimpy displays all the characteristics of a psychopath. He shows no regret, remorse, sorrow, or care. He does not learn from his experiences. He seems to enjoy other people's hardships (recall during a debate with Gore the glee he showed when saying that prisoners would die in Texas). He uses other people's suffering to make his friends richer. Everything is about getting money and power. He seems to have no conscience. When he says he wants Iraq to have a democracy, I am convinced that he thinks "democracy" means "capitalism." I am sure that he believes that squeezing money out of Iraq and from the national treasury for his friends is all part of a glorious democratic principle. The rich shall be richer. If you're so smart why aren't you rich? He is not only stupid, he is evil in the fact that he lacks human compassion. There is a theory that presidents live up to the opposite of what they campaigned as. Nixon was the law and order candidate. Lyndon Johnson was going to end the Vietnam war. Poppy Bush (read my lips) would not raise taxes. What did chimpy stand for? Compassionate conservatism. And no nation building. But, in the end, he is the least compassionate and most nation building president ever.