Many here on DU knew what was going to happen and we were advocating the removal of ALL the residents of NO. There were several that called us fearmongers. There were several that said we were overreacting. But we were pulling our observations from the science that was available, as well as the research that was done on what would happen. Many here were upset that they used the Superdome as a refuge. We ranted and raved about how it was unsafe. Many expressed their gnawing feelings that this was a bad decision. We were derided by several fellow DU'ers. Now as all of our fears have come to pass...our previous concern that we, as simple purveyors of truth,--who only had access to the limited number of documents than our leaders have--predicted this dire outcome. Common sense predicted this dire outcome. Then when the "worst" didn't happen immediately, many were quick to say "I told you so". However, the worst has happened and now thousands of people are trapped in the city. What I want to know is--if WE saw this coming--why didn't the people who are entrusted to public safety see it?