The events of this week speak for itself.
The warnings were there. Possible obliteration of one of the largest American cities, known days in advance. The president, on vacation, not preparing strategies for use of the National Guard or military resources, not making speeches to the nation urging preparation measures.
Bush, on vacation, birthday party for McCain, on the day Katrina made landfall. A speech to prop up the Iraq war the following day.
Bush not available on the phone to the mayor of New Orleans when helicopters with sandbags to reinforce a critical levee did not show.
Billions being spent in Iraq with a huge portion of the National Guard and Army there, while people literally starve and die of dehydration in New Orleans.
There will be spin, to be sure. The likes of which we've probably never seen up to this point.
Some will be convinced. But I wonder.
After all, the thing speaks for itself.