I live in a nice residential neighborhood in a relatively small town just south of Boston.
Our town has strict zoning bylaws. One of the most important of which is that our town is divided into zones(I'm sure most people have this in their communities also)Industrial,business,residential and I'm sure there are sub categories with the ones mentioned.
Now to my Repug neighbor. A retired Army officer who came back home and went to work for his family. Only he didn't get along with his family and set off to find another way. 2 jobs later and he found it that it wasn't just his family he didn't get along with. So,3 years ago he started his own business.
He refills vending machines. He started off small did all the work himself and he found a lucrative market. He was quickly able to expand. He operates this out of his home and 18 months ago he was hiring drivers and went from one truck to a small fleet(3-5). 14 months ago 18 wheel trucks started making deliveries to his house/garage in our quiet residential neighborhood. Coca cola and Pepsi 4 times a week
No- one complained. Not even me. I fumed but I have to confess he scares me. He always boasted about guns and took his next door neighbor to court over what I consider a stupid reason,and he basically has a vicious temper. Luckily, I don't live that close and I have nothing to do with him or his family.
6weeks ago a Pepsi truck knocked down wires and took out one neighbors cable line and another neighbors phone line. That did it. An elderly neighbor called the Building Commissioner and told the official what occurred. The Official leaves Town Hall and drives to Repug 's house - not in time - and they flat out lied and said "What truck?" My poor elderly neighbor consequently called every single time a delivery was made and the Building Commisioner was always too late to "catch "them
And then yesterday:

This photo was taken by me in my driveway

Heading toward Repugs home

It has arrived and is the process of backing in to Repu'g driveway to unload
4 minutes later I am in Building Commissioner's Office with pictures and while the official is looking at them my elderly neighbor is calling again.
3hours later everyone got a letter in their mailbox "apologizing" for the deliveries that it was simply a "mistake" simply sent to billing address rather than delivery address
A 14 month mistake