Edited on Wed Aug-31-05 09:45 PM by G_j
and the excuses are?
President Bush's FY 2005 Budget ... Bush’s FY 2005 budget includes $401.7 billion for the Department of Defense, ... The President’s budget proposes an additional $3.6 billion for ... www.whitehouse.gov/infocus/budget/
Fiscal Year 2006 Federal Budget Proposal: Agency Breakdown ... President Bush today unveiled a $2.57 trillion budget that eliminates dozens ... The fiscal 2006 defense budget of $419.3 billion represents a 4.8 percent ... www.washingtonpost.com/wp-srv/politics/interactives/budget06/budget06Agencies.html
Federal Budget Spending and the National Debt So far this Fiscal Year, the US Government spent $315 Billion of your money on ... Want to know more about the Federal Budget, the National Debt, Taxation? ... www.federalbudget.com/
Analysts warn of DOD budget 'train wreck' The defense budget in 2005 is roughly $400 billion, with about $100 billion additionally being spent on the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. ... www.terradaily.com/upi/2005/WWN-UPI-20050523-17144100-bc-us-defense-budget.html
Military waste under fire / $1 trillion missing -- Bush plan ... WHAT HAPPENED TO $1 TRILLION? Though Defense has long been notorious for waste, ... "The Congress has increased defense spending from $300 billion to $400 ... www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?file=/c/a/2003/05/18/MN251738.DTL
CNN.com - Bush presents a $2.1 trillion wartime budget - February ... Total budget: $2.13 trillion; Defense: $379 billion; Homeland Security: $38 billion; Education: $50 billion; Health & Human Services: $488 billion ... www.cnn.com/2002/ALLPOLITICS/02/04/bush.budget/
...bla bla bla...