Hey Bush voters! Thanks for the gas prices!
As soon as I can, that is a bumper sticker going on the back of my car.
I live in a very red state and dont care if anyone tries to start something with me now, I have HAD IT!
I have tried for years to talk sense into these Bush bot idiots, and after the last election pretty much gave up. And now ...
$3, $4 ... $5 (???) a gallon for gas. Enough already!
This is flat out robbery!
If these people who voted for Bush/Cheney were blind before, there is one thing that gets their attention.. when it affects them personally. OK, there they have it, in your face!
By voting for Bush and Dick Cheney these idiots gave this to us.
The Iraq debacle with Americans dying every day, the tax cuts for billionaires you will never meet, the record shattering deficits for your children to pay interest on all their life, cut funding for disaster and border protection, record government spending increases, huge increases in poverty, massive military base closings, cuts to local and state services, increases in state and local taxes, and ... yes Biff in the suv with a faded ribbon magnet, HUGE price gouging and increases in gas prices.
Its time to speak out.
For now on, every time I go to the gas station, I have two LOUD words for the person on the other side of the pump.. BUSH SUCKS!
Thats going out loud to everyone I talk to who supports this disaster of Bush.. friends, family, check out clerks, people on the street, EVERYONE who gave us this pathetic disaster of a 'leader'.
Anybody know of a place that prints custom bumper stickers??
Best! Kelley