- Days before the Category 5 hurricane bearing down on the Gulf Coast Declare a National Emergency - Immediately order all federal agencies, national guard, coast guard and all available military assests to move into place to be prepared for the aftermath - Order all federal employees to immediately return to work, deploy them in 12 hr shifts, six days a week, to work on disaster relief efforts. - Implement the Contingency Emergency Preparedness Plan that the real leader has ordered prepared on January 20th, the day of his inuaguration - Anticipating a major catastrophy be on the phone days before the hurricane made landfall with all foreign leaders and the UN to move assests, medical supplies, water, food, tents, etc. into place to be ready to be deployed as soon as possible as the hurricane passed - Call the CEOs of the Fortune 500 to order that they commit assets and resources to be moved into place. - Sign an Executive Order to immediately nationalize any business that exploits with price gauging the misery of people in the aftermath, including the oil companies, and even local mom and pop stores - Sign an Executive Order to freeze prices for all necessary commodities and shelter before the hurricane strikes, specifically the hospitality industry in the Southern states, restaurant and food supplies, gasoline providers, etc. - Sign an Executive Order commondering the media networks and use the airways to communicate about the disaster, solicit information as to where the need is most critical in order to prioritize allocation of resources to safe lives, and to provide information about missing people, connect family members, direct emergency services and information, direct traffic and more. - Order the Army Corps of Engineers to immediately repair levee breaks. - Order the Navy to commondeer all cruise liner ships in the region and move them into Gulf cities to provide hospitals, shelter space and food service for thousands - Order the Air Force to do food and water drops over the flooded neighborhoods of New Oleans where people cannot get out
There is nothing on this list and far more, that could not have been contained in a continengy Emergency Preparedness Plan that would be implemented the minute the path of the Catergory 5 Hurricane was locked in. I am sending this list to Senators Feinstein and Boxer and Congressman Doolittle (my reps) tonight.
I am sure others have much more comprehensive and well thought-out lists. Blessings and Peace to everyone!