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Dear Mr. Bush, your free pass has expired.

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FightingIrish Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 12:29 AM
Original message
Dear Mr. Bush, your free pass has expired.
You certainly had a ride when the biggest failure of your presidency caught most of us by surprise and enabled you to launch the first two wars on your war president “to do” list. Your approval rating soared when you showed up a few days after the action and did your thing with the bullhorn on the rubble pile. That was inspired.

You parlayed that debacle into the invasion of Afghanistan and Iraq in league with some accomplice states you browbeat and bribed with our money. Shock, awe and blitzkrieg bought you a cool airplane ride and a warrior charade on an aircraft carrier. Boy that was a “mission accomplished” moment.

Then all the dire warnings you ignored started to come true. Our kids started dying like flies and the pace of their dying keeps going up. The many lies that you used to enable the slaughter of innocents started falling victim to the truth.

A few weeks ago a mother whose son you wasted in Iraq decided that she didn't want to share her grief with thousands of mothers yet to grieve. She called you out while you hid out on your pig farm refuge down the road from Waco. You dodged a bullet in the Vietnam war and got many free rides on your connections all the way to the White House but this guileless woman started your plunge from power.

The wrath of one pissed off mother earth has finally sealed your fate. Your war and the gifts you gave your wealthy friends has really left the average American very vulnerable. The thin veneer of civilization that you left our country with has peeled off like the roof of theSuper dome. We are going to see some of the worst days of this republic and these will be days where a fake president just isn'tn’t going to cut it. I’m afraid your time is up.

Cindy Sheehan has been talking with your boss, the American people, and we agree that it would best for all of us if you went back to whatever it was you were doing before your unfortunate rise to power. Several years too late, your time is up. Please go quietly and pray that history takes pity on you.
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RobertSeattle Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 12:30 AM
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1. Yep - no more free passes
You cannot blame Clinton, Democrats, "liberal media", etc - you are f'ing in charge you incompetent fool.

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LuCifer Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 12:32 AM
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2. What ever happened to his MAN DATE?!
I guess he spent all his POLITICAL CAPITAL on that spiffy new acoustic guitar he got for 80 bucks at ANAL-mart so he could learn how to play "Dueling Banjos" while America BURNS. Thank you Nero Redux!

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billboardproject Donating Member (12 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 12:47 AM
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3. Last Dispatch from Crawford with new photos
Hi Folks,

I've just posted my last entry from Crawford. Let's hope it's not an end, but a beginning. Read about it at

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wli Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 01:27 AM
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4. He can spend his "political capital" on a one-way ticket to the Hague. n/t
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blue northern Donating Member (190 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 01:36 AM
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5. I suspect you're right on the money
nice rant FightingIrish
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