For as long as I can remember, it has been thus, with the possible exception of Eisenhower. But even he was accused of letting our country and our economy stagnate. But, in actuality, he was more of a general than he was a Republican.
But after JFK was killed by the bastards, Johnson was there to try and continue. However, the Vietnam War and it's effects killed him. Then Nixon came back into the limelight in 1968. By 1972, the casualties in the war had grown immensely. On top of that, we had Watergate to be concerned about. Disgrace toppled Nixon and Gerald Ford took over the position and forthrightly pardoned Nixon. During Ford's tenure, there were the first long gas lines. And there was Watergate.
Jimmy Carter came along in 1976 as a moral substitute for the crooks that had been in office - that called themselves Republicans. After Watergate, people were looking for honor and trustworthiness in the office. They elected a Democrat, once again, Jimmy Carter was the person that America needed.
Then they vilified and crucified Jimmy Carter ..for attempting to bargain an agreement between Sadat and Begin of Israel. Reagan and the Repubs bad-mouthed Carter for the hostages being held for so long. After Reagan defeated Carter in 1980, he almost immediately persuaded the terrorists to kill 241 Marines in the barracks in Beirut. After he cut taxes and ran up a huge deficit, never before seen in modern history,
When Reagan left office, he left the largest deficit up to that point. Poppy Bush managed to break all those records in 1991 and 1992. Bill Clinton came into office with a huge mess with our deficits and debt. He was assisted by Ross Perot.
And now, we have 8 more years of the Bush clique. Can anyone imagine the dire straits we will be in when Dubya finishes his term? The Republicans have made a mess of things for as long as I can remember. There is little doubt in my mind that the people will once again choose a Democrat in 2008. There's a mess to be cleaned up.