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Subject: rush on 1/11/00
Was anyone listening to Rush today? Was there something wrong with him? He went from topic to topic with no connection, took I believe only 2 phone calls, and appeared to be doing no more than ranting on unrelated subjects, often making little sense. And at times his words were somewhat slurred. I don't imply at all he was drinking (saying his words were slurred), but he didn't sound like his mind was really connecting right. Anybody else get the same impression there was something odd going on?
Subject: Rush Medicated? 1999/09/03
I missed the first hour, but heard the clips he repeated. I thought that at first something had happened to his transmission. Later in that same broadcast though, he became slurred and slow in his speech. I am convinced now that he was under the influence of something, perhaps alcohol. He has stated that at one time, he was a heavy drinker. Not only was there the slowness, and slurring, but a detectable difference in his reasoning. Perhaps Rush has begun drinking again, I mean something other than the diet peach Snapple iced tea.