the task of changing the gas price numbers on the exxon signs is now classified as a full time job in itself. they now hire a guy to stand there by the sign with a bucket full of numbers, and every half hour he reaches up there with his pole and switches some numbers around, always higher numbers.
some stations in the hurricane zone have a $10 limit after waiting in line for hours. that's about 2 gallons more or less, just about enough to get your humvee to the next fueling station.
cnn's running a number to report gas price gouging. HA! WHO is it again who's gouging the consumer? meanwhile, in k.c. mo. yesterday, they had a gas price protest out on the street, but few attended, considering the gas prices and all.
the president seemed more concerned about alleviating our gas price fears than the hurricane disaster, and for the first time in years he failed to dwell on his usual bullshit, monotonous war speech.
apparently the oily president admitted yet another reason for going to iraq, we need the oil. the saudis are so snobby lately that we've had to tap into our reserves, how humiliating.
for the first time in decades, people are openly talking about getting a more fuel efficient ride, and casting off the ford obnoxious for good. it now costs several million dollars per week to fill air force one's tank and check the oil before the president can run around the nation making pointless little speeches, instead of a live feed from the white house.
don't be surprised if you see air force one in front of you in the chevron line.