Random thoughts this morning:
1) Why am I not seeing massive provisions being air dropped in New Orleans? Are the first 3 days after a disaster like this not critical? Is our Government not aware of this? Another few days, and they will not have to worry about it.
2) Why am I not hearing any discussion in MSM that more people have died under Bush's watch ON AMERICAN SOIL than have under any other President in memory? Is this not a noteworthy discussion point?
3) Why am I only hearing about "hundreds" rescued at this point? Why is the area not flooded with hundreds and hundreds of military helicopters?
4) Why did the levees break? Have we not known about this potential for years?
5) Why am I seeing on MSM that search and rescue efforts are taking a back seat to efforts to stop the looters? Am I misinterpreting this statement? Does this mean that property, rather than life, has become the main priority?