My petition (see previous CampUS post) will be delivered to the White House by Medea Benjamin on my first day of school, September 26. We can all deliver it again with signatures near the last day of school in June 2006. Signatures will be collected throughout the academic year in a sustained information outreach effort to inform our 300-plus Pentagon-dependent campus communities about weapons development in our schools.
I am not asking anyone else to strike—in fact, I advise against it—but please support this massive effort. Build the movement: If you would like to sign my petition, please send your name and city (title and/or school optional but recommended) as you would like them to appear (using above examples) to: bdb92@hotmail.com If you would like to support the strike campaign with organizational resources, write to: bbogart@uoregon.edu If you would like to support the strike campaign with financial resources:
Write checks to: IntelligentFuture
And send to: Strike for Peace PO Box 3150 University of Oregon Eugene OR 97403 My school town is an EXAMPLE of war-industry ties to our communities: Eugene, Oregon (population 130,000) has 56 companies that serve the US military. University of Oregon receives major funding from the Pentagon. My home town is an EXAMPLE of war-industry ties to our communities: Palo Alto, California (population 58,000) has 55 companies that serve the US military. Stanford University receives major funding from the Pentagon. What about your school or town? Find out: Ask Brian and support the effort. bbogart@uoregon.edu CampUS Strike for Peace Campaign September 26, 2005 – June 10, 2006 strikeforpeace.org goes online 9/26 MAJOR UNIVERSITIES RECEIVING DoD FUNDS FOR WEAPONS DEVELOPMENT: Brandeis University Brown University California Institute of Technology Carnegie Mellon University Case Western Reserve University Columbia University Cornell University Duke University Emory University Harvard University Indiana University Iowa State University Johns Hopkins University Massachusetts Institute of Technology McGill University Michigan State University New York University Northwestern University Ohio State University Pennsylvania State University Princeton University Purdue University Rice University Rutgers, New Jersey State University Stanford University Stony Brook, New York State University Syracuse University Texas A&M University Tulane University Vanderbilt University Washington University, St. Louis Yale University University at Buffalo, New York State University of Arizona University of California, Berkeley University of California, Davis University of California, Irvine University of California, Los Angeles University of California, San Diego University of California, Santa Barbara University of Chicago University of Colorado, Boulder University of Florida University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign University of Iowa University of Kansas University of Maryland, College Park University of Michigan University of Minnesota, Twin Cities University of Missouri, Columbia University of Nebraska, Lincoln University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill University of Oregon University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh University of Rochester University of Southern California University of Texas, Austin University of Toronto University of Virginia University of Washington University of Wisconsin, Madison (Smaller schools number in the hundreds.) #44 on the DoD Top-100 procurement list: Massachusetts Institute of Technology #66 on the DoD Top-100 procurement list: Johns Hopkins University #21 on the Navy Top-50 procurement list: Johns Hopkins University #41 on the Navy Top-50 procurement list: Pennsylvania State University #11 on the Air Force Top-50 procurement list: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
56 companies in Eugene serve the Pentagon, not counting suburbs. 300 in Portland city. 3600 in San Diego city. ALL THANKS TO DoD "OUTSOURCING" There is no greater hypocrisy than that of making weapons in schools, and no better ready-made network than our schools for correcting this hypocrisy and organizing Americans for peace. Join Now. bbogart@uoregon.edu