This isn't Free Republic. Nobody gets banned just because they disagree with the majority opinion or (civilly) criticize the views offered by others. I hate to disappoint you, but you're NOT going to get banned for your post. It broke no rules, and I, personally, agree with a great deal of what you have to say. If a mod has locked and removed it, I think that was a terrible mistake, even though your post was antagonistic and seemed to invite that response.
That having been said, I want to remind you that this is a political message board populated by some 75,000. Within a community this size, there's a wide range of personality types, and their reactions to upsetting events are going to range from the frostiest realism to boiling over, top flies off hysteria. I think your characterization of the character of people at DU is selective, and you may be carrying some of your own emotional baggage into this.
As for our collective desire to be rid of the Bush Administration, and the wisdom of impeachment as a means toward that, I think that is something on which we agree to disagree. You are not alone at DU in your take on this.
Finally, I think impassioned dissent is a very good thing for America, and thank Gore for inventing the internet (joking) so we have a place to stomp our feet, yell at each other, and share the freedom of expression we all want to protect.
You, sir, are welcome to stay or go. But, that is your choice.
Respectfully yours,