that we were going to spend a little of our savings on a gun and range time. We had been talking about this ever since last November, but Katrina has made it clear just how incompetent our government is, and how desperate other people are in this country.
After seeing how quickly NO deteriorated this week, we realized that we could no longer count on our government to keep our city under control in a crisis; neither can our neighbors be counted on to remain civil.
And no, it's not about protecting property. If a similar thing happened in my city, the looters could have anything they wanted from my home. If they wanted to carry away my TV or my CDs, good luck to them. I wouldn't need that crap anymore.
Rather, this is about protecting life. I don't want to be raped or assaulted, have my only bottle of water stolen, etc... while I attempt to leave a city in crisis. And in a situation like the one occurring in NO, the only way to stop that is through the application of deadly force, or through the threat of deadly force.
I'm sorry that this makes me a bad liberal. Feel free to flame away. I don't really care at this point what anybody else thinks about this decision. Good luck to you all who choose a different path - I hope it works out for you.