err, I mean a a big F#*K YOU to all the morans who voted Bush into office for this term. (Lurking Freepers, this means you!)
Do you see the folly of your ways?
Do you see how much of an utter fuck up 'he' is?
Do you see how incredibly third world nation and disorganized our response to this disaster is thanks to your Chimperor's new 'Homeland Sekurty" initiative and stripping of federal funds to go toward developing a nation ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FUCKING WORLD?
After watching thousands of our own citizens suffer, die, riot...you name it... do still feel like jacking each other off because we built a few schools in Mess'o'Potamia and handed out some teddy bears and chocolate bars?
Are you happy now? Are Bush's morals and conversations with 'god' still enough to persuade you to support a man who has failed at everything he has ever accomplished, now including a presidency, broken almost every moral code he claims to uphold and raped those people (ie; YOU) who blindy supported his hijacking of this nation.
Do you feel safer? Huh.. Do You?
Well I don't. If this were the nukleer :nuke: attack that we have been promised with a shit eating grin on his face by DICK (and I don't use the term lightly) Cheney...We would be REALLY fucked....Oh, but wait a minute, this disaster may very well turn out to be WORSE and more widespread than a nuclear bomb going off...and we can't even organize within 72 hours to get enough water to people!!!!
I am very unhapy with you people. :wtf: