I found this post on another message board. Please spread this around! This is for the WASHINGTON PARISH area but many things are applicable to other areas around NOLA!
1.) Roads to Bogalusa that use Hwy 16 Amite are passable. Other ways are also doable although they don't apply to me so I'm not completely sure what they are....but they're listed in detail on this forum.
2.) Deficits in power, electricity, ICE, WATER, FOOD, GAS, GENERATORS
3.) Hospital needs aid ASAP
4.) No aid agencies rushing to Bogalusa bc other cities need it alot more. Tired, hot, and thirsty locals are the only people in the Bogalusa recovery effort...National Guard and city FD/PD is there but they're busy with a # of tasks....the more bodies the better.
5.) They need help NOW more than ever, because agencies like red cross may not even arrive until late next week, or in sufficient numbers to help all the people. Its now that people need help..giving them a little boost now will help them get by for a week or so until federal aid can come in
6.) So don't wait unnecessarily if you know that the route is shown to be passable....this forum should provide you detailed info on that....read it carefully...even if you are not completely aware of your relative/friend's status (I am not aware of mine, for instance), the people of Bogalusa, many of which you probably know, are in need...THAT matters enough for you to get down there ASAP and provide key items that could make a HUGE difference in a 100 degree heat index town..... bring these items for starters:
Assorted Canned Goods...something you can eat right away like Del Monte fruits/veggies, soups not so good without heat but its doable....
Generator (if possible...)
Empty Gas Canisters (2-3 3-4 gallon containers ideally)
Hand pump that can siphon gas from your car's tank to above canisters (do NOT siphon by mouth!)
IgLoo AC/DC cooler Koolmate 56QT (holds 72 12 oz cans!!!!) FILLED with Dasani 12 oz cans of water (buy enough to first stock the cooler, then plug it in your DC outlet on the way down there...BUT THEN, MAKE SURE TO BUY EVEN MORE CANS so that you can refill the car cooler when you're done!!!) This is 120.00 spent that can save a number of lives.
3-4 IgLoo MAXCOLD (5 DAY GUARANTEE) ICE CHESTS FULL OF ICE (FILL THIS from where you are! Other stations may be out of ice down the road! Don't worry, these coolers can hold ice for days!) ICE IS KEY FOR A NUMBER OF THINGS! BRING A HELL OF A LOT OF THIS AND YOU CANT GO WRONG
Full tank of gas! Last stop Amite if youre coming from there.
Chlorine tablets to disinfect water.
Flashlights/ batteries
Soap, toothpaste, toiletries for hygeine.
WET WIPES!!!! Lots of them!!!!!
CASH….LOTS OF CASH, but don’t keep it all in your wallet, I don't know if looting would happen in our town but its possible!!!!
PAPER PLATES AND CUPS AND FLATWARE (could be nice in a place with no clean utensils, etc.)
Purell hand sanitizer
Instant packet meals that dissolve in water and provide some calories(Carnation??)
If you are able, and the route is clear, then get down there, be it Bogalusa, or any Washington Parish town...the conditions down there that I've read indicate that there is alot of discomfort by Bogalusa citizens in a high stress situation. I am leaving now, you should too. I have seen in this forum how we are all out to help each other....getting down there will reinforce that Bogalusians are some of the most caring people around; this will define us, seriously.
Make sure to arrive in daylight so its easier to navigate in town and you'll get let in (given you have LA right parish license)...once you distribute supplies to loved ones, give some to others who may not have anyone coming for them...share...then aid in tree clearing or whatever they ask you to do...after all, they've been through alot...