I posted this to the Ann Coulter board, one of the places where I know conservatives will see it. Someone who listens to far, far right talk radio host Michael Savage (the kind of guy who is normally calling for genocide of Arabs) said even he has called for price controls on gasoline and called the current prices gouging.
The price is only going to skyrocket now that Katrina has knocked out a lot of our oil rigs in the Gulf of Mexico and in Mexico itself.
In short, this is a teachable moment for the willfully ignorant, bible thumping, knuckle dragging, closet fascist members of the far right. They might actually see that their glorious leader has misled them and screwed them on behalf of big oil.
Here's what I posted:
http://post.news.messages.yahoo.com/bbs?action=m&board=37447170&tid=ucacconservativescauseglobalwarmingandliberalpress&sid=37447170&mid=4323&n=1TOPIC: Bush look out for you or oil companies?
When you look at the price at the pump, there's s couple things you should keep in mind.
The first is obvious: oil companies are raking in record profits, and with only a handful of competitors, it just takes a couple of phone calls between them to make sure one won't be undercut by another. They've been caught doing that before.
Less obvious but more serious, the world's finite oil supply has hit the peak of production and will begin to decline just as demand from China and India shoots through the roof. Congress has known about this for decades. The geologist that predicted it in the 1950s accurately predicted the peak of US production would be in the 1970s.
This is no fringe science. It's been written about in National Geographic twice and in Scientific American, and you can read about the research behind it here:
http://hubbertpeak.com/After that peak in the 70s, Jimmy Carter launched a serious program into alternative sources of energy. Reagan cut it, Bush Sr ignored it, Clinton lacked either the will or influence over congress to do it, and when it became clear that we hit the peak, Bush Jr. lied to us and invaded Iraq, the second largest oil supply in the world.
You can see how seriously they took Iraq's oil by checking out this timeline, supported by gov't documents and interviews with key players:
http://www.gregpalast.com/iraqmeetingstimeline.htmlWhy would he do this instead of dealing with the problem and enacting a crash program to convert to renewables and biofuels for cars?
Simple. Which way would oil companies make more money, if we start to change to other kinds of energy and reduce our demand for oil BEFORE it becomes scarce or AFTER?
It's basic economics that scarcity drives up price. Conversely, how much could you sell Betamax videos for once all manufacturers said they would only make VHS players? The difference with oil is they have the money to buy silence and disinformation about their obsolescence.
Right now we are feeling the after option at the pump, and you can thank the oil execs in the White House, the GOP in Congress, and yes, a lot of Democrats who paid or threatened to keep their mouths shut.
You want to keep your SUV or land yacht? Great. Figure out how to make biodiesel (it's actually pretty simple) or get your legislature to demand ethanol at your gas stations. Or buy some solar panels, slap them on your roof and charge up an electric car.
Or wait a little longer until you figure out what your breaking point is on gas prices. $4 a gallon? $5? $8?
Eventually you have to do something, and now is better than later.
Hillbilly Hitler art: