Look at the complete and utter LACK OF RESPONSE by your government to the tragedy of New Orleans and the Gulf Coast.
Was a hurricane preventable? No.
Now ask yourself the same question about a terrorist attack? Be sure about your answer and then consider this:
People in the administration have told us that it's not a matter of if an attack will happen, it's a matter of when. Our borders are not secure, our harbors are not safe, and it's known that terrorists are living IN OUR COUNTRY.
Now imagine if New Orleans levies had been demolished by a terrorist attack instead of a storm. Without any warning like the hurricane gave, many more people would be dead and dying.
Now look at Bush's response to the disaster. Not a single ship has arrived... National Guard presence is inadequate and we are unable to call up sufficient reserves (see:
While New Orleans was being flooded, Bush was attending fund-raisers and political events, and playing the "GITAR" ON VACATION. His response yesterday was to tell America that a tragedy happened.
But the dying people are still dying... New Orleans is still not evacuated.... There is no security on the streets... People do not have medical supplies and still have NO WHERE TO GO.
The Mayor of New Orleans asked the President to help, the Governor of Louisiana has asked the President to help and yet, the people still go without help.
What if this was the result of an attack... where are the soldiers to help... where are the emergency services.
It's time for America to rid itself of Bush and his cabal of criminals. The Time for Change is NOW.
Write Your Senators and Congressional Representatives. Tell them that YOU DEMAND ACTION by the Congress to rid itself of this TRAGICALLY INADEQUATE ADMINISTRATION. And you DEMAND ACTION NOW.