People run around saying "support our troops" and "freedom isn't free" and yet they won't enlist.
People want everything, but at no cost to them and will whine if they have to spend e penny.
People don't look out for each other; they run around like rabbit/maggot hybrids - this isn't just attributed to the storm and lack of civilization our "society" promotes; it's part of the "dog eat dog" aspect of our culture when practiced outside of the job realm. Same shit. Different animal takin' a poop.
All too many will try to find ways to take your money after a disaster. 9/11 is the ultimate example with all the coins and flags and pieces of steel being sold. Despicable. But today it's with the oil prices. And all the articles on higher prices will only scare more people into stocking up on a dangerous substance that's going to become worthless within a month unless other chemicals, which wouldn't do much to help the engine that burns the substance are used. The net cost of gas+substance now would be the cost of gas tomorrow anyway.
Our leaders claim to be Christian. And then practice the exact opposite when BEING a Christian is what counts the most.
Those who are caring, sharing, and giving are truly at a disadvantage in today's era. And I pity those of us who are. For we are likely to become prey to the self-serving vermin out there.
Well, just like corporate profits, nobody else can look at the future reliabily either. Maybe we need more licensed psychologists in office. THEY know human nature and would be better equipped than these greedy lawyers and other dregs in suits in public office doing things that hardly help the public.
Oh well. Kibble happens. May as well lump it.