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A moment to remember the most beautiful of all human reactions: hope

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greekspeak Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 12:39 PM
Original message
A moment to remember the most beautiful of all human reactions: hope
As we see the world around us coming unglued, the apathy on the part of our government in the wake of horrid catastrophe...the unneeded deaths in Iraq...the jingoistic patriotism...the distancing from progressive ideas...we cannot allow ourselves to loose that dearest human quality: the ability to retain hope. I am reminded of the myth of Pandora...all the evil things in the world came out of a jar she carried, but she had the foresight to clasp the lid back on the jar before beatiful hope got out. Remember...hope is ours, no matter how bad it gets. In the face of adversity, and hardship, we cannot let hope out of the jar now.
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SteppingRazor Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 12:42 PM
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1. It's like Studs Terkel said:
"Hope dies last."
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SeattleGirl Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 12:43 PM
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2. Amen!
Last night, I recalled a line from M*A*S*H, spoken by Hawkeye. It was one of the black and white "interview" shows they did. The interviewer asked Hawkeye what his biggest impression of the war was. He said something like, "I am in awe of the terrible fragility of human life, and the tremendous strength of the human spirit."
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watercolors Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 12:45 PM
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3. right now I HOPE for water
and food for these weary people of NO. My anger right now overwhelms me. I have been trying to call WH, line been busy for hours. Called jeb's office, busy, cannot get thru, called s entor bill nelson, was able to speack to someone, his office is also recieved hundreds of calls. Hope is going to have to wait, there are more pressing problems facing NO.
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Javaman Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 01:27 PM
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4. As Pandora said, "hope is not lost".
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