And there are news crews able to reach them, and over 24 hours access, then WHY THE FUCK CAN'T THE GOVERNMENT EVACUATE THESE PEOPLE.
Seriously. 4 years after 9/11 -- what if it wasn't a hurricane but a dirty bomb or other terrorist attack.
You're telling me with all this "Homeland Security" talk and BILLIONS OF OUR TAX DOLLARS spent in preparing, we as a country are physically unable to move 20,000 people stranded in what is basically a lake after 36 hours of clear weather?
I think the story about the helicopters getting shot at is being told to confuse people so they don't notice that nobody has a fucking plan to get these people out.
you're telling us that the ENTIRE US MILITARY is held off from an EVACUATION OPERATION FOR 20,000 PEOPLE because of a few 18 year old homies with a pistol?
If you're not asking who the fuck is in charge of this country and what the fuck is wrong with them then you don't deserve to call yourself American.