Many places with low land are successfully protected. It would cost money to do it right, but it can be done. A levee system capable of withstanding a Cat 5 hurricane is very doable.
It's a cost/benefit tradeoff. Neither New Orleans itself nor Louisiana could pay for such a system. It would take 90% Federal funding and cost billions.
I would think, to the nation, it would be a worthwhile enterprise. It could be a well planned, very successful city. New Orleans could be rebuilt for it's tourist value alone. The tourism and convention industries could be stressed. Some businesses in banking and oil and gas might keep headquarters and offices their, but most other industry should not. The high density housing in the lower elevations should be replaced with lower density, less flood prone neighborhoods.
One year of the Iraq debacle costs many times more than what it would cost to rebuild a beautiful, well planned, and safe New Orleans.