(Note - 'DISTANT' literally, figuratively, and
definitely philosophically; I've never met this Freeper cousin; she has my email address & loves to send crap. Usually I delete it, but couldn't resist responding to this one.)
It all started w/her forwarding one of those useless petitions where you add your name & forward it on. This particular 'petition' was requesting that the pResident act to lower gas prices.
My initial response (Thanks to Swamp Rat for the images)...
Subject: Re: Gas petition
Your pResident & vice-pResident are in bed w/the oil companies; why on earth would you expect them to do anything but facilitate the price gouging?!?!?! This is what you voted for... are you happy now?
PS - How do you think your pResident is handling the crisis resulting from Katrina?
Her reply...
Subject: Re: Gas petition
There were lines at the pump under Pres. Carter- these things happen.
..AND where we should all go is to
the State Govt. who jack the prices up with local and state taxes. Whe
my dad was in business- he
said the MAIN fault also was with State Govt's who ride up the price
70-100 on the gas.
I didn't sign the petition-- but thought you would be interested in this
as politically active as you are.
I understand too that this can happen under ANY president- it is NOT
particularly Bush's fault here.
I was a big fan ( and still am) of Carter and I remember sitting in line
to get gas in the 70's when he
was in office... if was NOT his fault either.
IT is expensive but at least so far there is enough to go around and we
don't have to sit in line for it.
My final (and I do mean
final) response...
Subject: Re: Gas petition
Individual states have gas taxes... these taxes are not rising during the price gouging that is now occurring under your pResident's Administration, and individual states have no control over what your pResident's oil industry buddies are doing. Your pResident's oil industry buddies are responsible for this price gouging, not state governments, and not gas station owners.
It must be nice to be unconcerned w/the oil industry's price gouging as long as you're not inconvenienced w/waiting in line. It's not so nice for those who have to choose between filling their tanks and buying such things as food, medicine, clothes for their children, paying utility bills and other housing costs. Wonder how many people who have oil furnaces will freeze to death this winter as a result of not being able to heat their homes... while your pResident's billionaire oil exec buddies (some of his 'haves & have mores'... who have even more as a result of your pResident's tax cuts for the rich) laugh all the way to the bank?
This sadistic, callous & cruel disregard shown by your pResident's Administration for 'the least of these My brethren' is not something that could or would happen under any president, and most certainly not President Carter. Does your pResident's cruelty make you proud?
"And the King shall answer and say unto them, `Verily I say unto you, inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me.' " - Matthew 25:40
Much of this current disaster in the wake of Katrina, specifically, the flooding, could have been averted had your pResident's Administration not cut FEMA funding. FEMA, btw, is now under the Department of Homeland Security... now if this flooding had been the result of a terrorist attack, would or could DHS have responded any differently? Would they have had the means to respond any differently? What about the more than 100,000 troops in Iraq who could be helping in the effort had they not been deployed to fight a war based on lies? What about all of the equipment sent to Iraq to fight your pResident's illegal war based on lies... equipment that is unavailable in this crisis? What about the hundreds of billions of dollars that has been diverted to pay for your pResident's war based on lies, much of which has gone directly to your vice-pResident's company - Halliburton... money that should have been spent on Homeland Security & FEMA. This current response is an indication of your pResident's failure to fulfill his duty to the country.
"Patriotism means to stand by the country. It does not mean to stand by the president or any other public official, save exactly to the degree in which he himself stands by the country. It is patriotic to support him insofar as he efficiently serves the country. It is unpatriotic not to oppose him to the exact extent that by inefficiently or otherwise he fails I his duty to stand by the country. In either event, it is unpatriotic not to tell the truth, whether about the president or anyone else." - Theodore Roosevelt
"To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." - Theodore Roosevelt
Impeachment of this rogue Administration is the only possible step to restore Democracy in America.
You clearly support this criminal Administration, and continue to excuse their brutality. Please remove me from your email list. I will do likewise.