and the Media - some thoughts
The first casualty of war is truth.
-Rudyard Kipling
All warfare is based on deception.
- The Art Of War, Sun Tzu
I have the greatest admiration for your propaganda. Propaganda in the West is carried out by experts who have had the best training in the world in the field of advertizing and have mastered the techniques with exceptional proficiency ... Yours are subtle and persuasive; ours are crude and obvious ... I think that the fundamental difference between our worlds, with respect to propaganda, is quite simple. You tend to believe yours ... and we tend to disbelieve ours.
a Soviet correspondent based five years in the U.S. during the Cold War era
Such as it is, the press has become the greatest power within the Western World, more powerful than the legislature, the executive and judiciary. One would like to ask: by whom has it been elected, and to whom is it responsible?
- Alexandr Solzhenitsyn
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Many Americans strangely persist in believing that they have a free press. Making matters worse, most Americans get their news from TV. All of the major networks are now controlled by 6 giant corporations (a couple decades ago, it was around 50, and media activists were lamenting even that figure as indicating monopolistic control!). The majority of these corporations have ties to the Military-Industrial complex, which makes an indirect case to argue that the US in fact has a state-controlled media, when it comes to issues of great importance to "National Security". PBS and National Public Radio are no exception.
Chart of corporate media ownership Articles about corporate ownership of media Starting in the early days of the Cold War, the CIA embarked on a secret project called Operation Mockingbird, with the intent of buying influence behind the scenes at major media outlets and getting reporters on the CIA payroll. It was a stunning success, and such efforts continue today.
Operation Mockingbird The owners of the Washington Post long ago acknowledged that the Post is the government's voice to the people. In 1981, Katherine Graham, who owns the Post and Newsweek announced that her editors would "cooperate with the national security interests." National security in this context means "CIA."
- John Stockwell, former CIA official and author
The CIA is not the only government influence on the press; it should also be noted that reports have persisted for years about various US presidents and politicians blackmailing the major networks by threatening to launch antitrust investigations. There is no reason to doubt that this is effective, given the networks' business practices, and no reason not to believe that such blackmailing would be continuing now.
More on Operation Mockingbird and the subversion of the media: MORE.....................