"Why I Left America, The Rise Of Elitist Fascism And The Death Of American Democracy" An essay by Scott Bidstrup that I just found.
http://www.bidstrup.com/exile.htmI think this explains a lot about what has happened in New Orleans and the rest of the cities and states hit by Hurricane Katrina. These people in the highest offices of our nation are practicing Straussian social Darwinism, a philosophy that preaches that everyone must struggle to get to the top and those that can't survive will be left behind. It's the theory of survival of the fittest, which Darwin formulated to explain evolution that has been twisted in meaning by applying it to societies and governments.
Leo Strauss is the Nosferatu who influenced that cabal of vampires who founded the PNAC (Project For a New American Century), which our present government is being ruled by. I really think now what they did about Hurricane Katrina was more than negligence. It was an experiment in Straussian social Darwinism. Who needs a holocaust when mother nature is providing you with one free of charge? Those who survive will be the fittest. We will just sit by and attend fund raisers, eat cake, strum guitars and play golf until it blows over.
An excerpt:
When egalitarianism is replaced by social Darwinism, as promoted by this bizarre theory of justice, repression of the lower classes not only is acceptable, but is even justified in the minds of the average person even when they are part of the persecuted class. The result has been that Americans don't even care about social justice as they once did. If the rich have to step over the homeless in the street on the way to the opera, then so be it. The belief is that the homeless are laying in the gutter because of decisions they have made - that they're lazy and incompetent, and they could "pull themselves up by their bootstraps" if they had any "gumption." Any effort to improve the lot of the poor is ridiculed as "bleeding-heart liberalism" and "social engineering." This attitude has come to be prevalent, even among the working classes in the United States, in spite of the growing experience of those same people with increasingly rapid downward mobility in the form of lower real wages and reduced benefits, over which they have no control, and which has occurred in spite of the harder work and longer working hours being put in by the average American worker, more than at any time in living memory. So deeply have they been convinced that their circumstances are entirely of their own making, that they never seem to question why this downward mobility continues in spite of increasing worker productivity and a growing economy. They have been told, and therefore assume it to be correct, that it is their fault for decisions they have made themselves.
Yep, I too am leaning toward another LIHOP.