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Welcome to NO-man's Land

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Horse with no Name Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 05:56 PM
Original message
Welcome to NO-man's Land
New Orleans has now become NO-man's land. It was attacked by the forces of nature initially, with an underlying stealth attack by the Federal government. People are being left to die, abandoned in their homes and in the toxic streets.
They have figured out the game now. Animal instincts have taken over.
If there is a boat, they will take it. If there is food, they will take it. Whatever they need, they will take. But even though man has an inherent lust for survival, man also has an inherent lust for greed.
The easier it gets to take things to survive, the easier it will get to take things for desire.
This ultimately will include human lives.
Their government has told them they don't matter by their actions.
They aren't aware because of lack of communication that their Mayor and Governor are fighting for them. All they know is that there isn't any immediate help. They are hungry. They are wet. They are frustrated.
All they know is that people are taking pictures of them wading through a toxic cesspool...yet not offering to help them out and take them to safety. They are ALL they have left.
They will fight to stay alive. At this point, their is no humanity. It is a jungle and the rule is survival of the fittest.
Desperate people do desperate things. There isn't anything you can take away from a man who has nothing to lose.
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babylonsister Donating Member (1000+ posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 06:00 PM
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1. All the more reason to get help there yesterday to
combat this perception. Our government let them down big time.
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Joan of Arc Donating Member (16 posts) Send PM | Profile | Ignore Thu Sep-01-05 06:07 PM
Response to Original message
2. Welcome
"They aren't aware because of lack of communication that their Mayor and Governor are fighting for them. "

With all due respect, if their Mayor and Governor Blankface had really been "fighting" for them, they would have enforced their "mandatory" evacuation. Why didn't they mobilize to send out every available bus, truck, and van to pick up people when they knew this storm was coming? Why didn't they evacuate the hospitals immediately? New Orleans didn't have a plan to get people out of harms way. What's the meaning of mandatory if it isn't going to be enforced?

The Governor and Mayor have a lot of explaining to do to their citizens, AND to the rest of the country. You're just witnessing the consequences of decades of the corrupt politics inherent in Louisiana. Their politicians have had plenty of time to fix the problems that led to this disaster. The real problems aren't from Katrina. They are the direct result of human folly. Mayor Nagin no longer has a city to run, and I guarantee you that the Governor won't be reelected.
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