Here is the problem about just airdropping water and supplies to these people. Has anyone seen scenes from third world countries when that happens, it is utter chaos and the people that really need it, don't get it. It will go to the strong and the powerful. Now the thing that is ridiculous is that FEMA and Homeland Security knew that this was coming, and anyone knew that NO was a disaster waiting to happen, and it has taken 3 days now for supplies to make their way there. It is not like we don't have an interstate system in this country that they could have gotten equipment there on good roads. Yes getting into the city proper would be a problem, but just get the stuff there and the people will find a way. Second, it is time to declare martial law and send in the National Guard that we have available and deal with the "snipers." No quarter can be given to people no matter how desperate they are who are shooting at people, trying to steal drugs from hospitals, food from the needy all of the things that are being reported. Looting the Wal-Mart for food and clothing, fine I can understand that, but the reports of snipers shooting at ambulance workers, those people need to be dealt with.