And the traditional calamities of war, famine, pestilence, and death are big money-making opportunities! Get Halliburton in there to "rebuild" New Orleans. Those old-fashioned ideas like "community" and "benefit to society" are so much sentimentalism -- education and health care aren't human rights, they're industries which must be used to squeeze as much cash out of desperate people as possible. (They're also very good to use as "bait", to keep your citizens in line -- "no college for you unless you join the military", or "complain about safety conditions at work and we'll fire you, so you and your family can't afford health care anymore".
Of course, churches and private charities will step in to fill the gap. So some of them won't help out those who aren't in their special demographic ... but the rabble who fall through the cracks clearly are undeserving, and we can "improve" society this way. (The eugenics advocates were pushing this a hundred years ago.)
Naturally, those religious groups who want to advocate social/political policy which isn't neo-conservative are clearly Communists in disguise, and must be reined in (liberation theology) or have their charity status revoked (Unitarians have been threatened with this recently).
A society with threadbare social services and public infrastructure, and a huge gap between rich and poor, that falls apart in a disaster? Oh, we have lots of these in the world today. They're called ... what's the term ... ah yes, "developing countries".
Didn't Americans spend several generations of toil trying to escape exploitation and put up enough political and economic safeguards to get out of that kind of situation?