I was driving home today, and listened to NPR news. The interviewer (a man, sorry I did not know who it was) was asking Chertoff (?sp?) about the situation at the Convention Center -- he told Chertoff that the NPR reporter there was saying there were 2000 people there without food or water, wondering why no one was doing anything for them for the last 4 days. Chertoff said he could not respond to rumors, and he had not heard any reports of that situation (psst, Mr. Chertoff -- you just HEARD a REPORT -- from a REPORTER! sheesh!) Anyway, the interviewer pointed out that the NPR reporter had reported on many natural disasters and wars, and this was the worst he had seen. He described dead bodies outside, a 10 year old girl who had been raped, basically utter chaos. This is 8-10 blocks from the dome where all the news coverage has been -- thus, Chertoff's claim that they "could not get to it" was pure horseshit. The interviewer also asked about the funding for repair of the levees, and mentioned that a hurricane hitting New Orleans had been on the list of the 3 most likely / most devastating disasters we should prepare for... that was in 2001.
Anyway. I just had to vent. I was yelling so loud at the radio I got hoarse (luckily, no one else around to be startled...).
The President of the United States of America had and has the power to mobilize all necessary relief efforts. They should have nationalized the food and water supplies in the city the very minute the disaster became clear. They still could drop relief supplies in -- so the excuse about the water preventing relief efforts is also horseshit. Sure it makes it harder, but there are things that could be done. It's an absolute sin that the response has been this way.
Absolutely appalling.
I have given $100 to the Red Cross and will give more. It's all I can do. It breaks my heart to see this. One of the most unique and colorful cities in this country and in the world, has been submerged under water, while the government that is sworn to protect its citizens, the government of the richest and most powerful nation on the planet have wasted time and sat on their collective asses -- all they can talk about is zero tolerance for looting. ASSHOLES. That the flooding may have been prevented is heartbreaking; that the rescue efforts have been so awful is enraging.