not sure what to make of this...
URL: The Rush Limbaugh Radio Show
Pubdate: Thursday, 12 Mar 98
CALLER: I'm a Mormon ( I don't smoke ) but I consider it offensive that this administration uses cigarettes a as a smokescreen. I, Yes I'm concerned about smoking I'm concerned about teen smoking. I'm concerned about my own children smoking but I want to handle that as a parent. It's a legal substance and I'll take that thank you kindly.
* What upsets me is the plethora of drugs that are available at a low price. I can't do anything about that. It's much harder for a parent to attack a drug problem.
* RUSH: OK let me ask you a question because this came up yesterday and I gave an answer that many would call a flippant answer. I will give you the same answer you tell me if it's flippant.
** Based on the reality of how we're going after cigarette smokers, The thing that we cannot do in the drug fight right now is regulate because it's illegal. Drugs are against the law and so the manufacturers are illegal. They're not even on shore they're down there in Columbia and the Calli Cartel and they're working to poison the brains and minds of the future of America. And so what we do is to try to keep those drugs from getting in. And I agree with you that it's a half baked effort.
** But what are we doing with cigarettes. Well we are punishing the manufacturers We're suing them left and right we're going to cause them to settle out of court for $368 billion. We're gonna let them keep making them but then we're going to have the price go way way up so that we ostensibly say by virtue of that we don't want anybody to smoke cigarettes anymore and we're going to try to price it out of most peoples existence but we're going to raise those prices and most of that money will be taxes and we're going to use that money for health care programs for our kids and so forth.
*** It seems to me that what is missing in the drug fight is legalization. If we want to go after drugs with the same fervor and intensity with which we go after cigarettes let's legalize drugs. Legalize the manufacture of drugs. Licence the Calli Cartel make them tax payers and then sue them. Sue them left and right and then get control of the price and generate tax revenue from it. Raise the price sky high and fund all sorts of other wonderful social programs.
**** Because it seems to me, flippant as though it may sound to you, that what gives us the power to do what we're doing, what gives the government the _power_ to do what it is doing, state and federal, in cigarettes is that it's a legal substance regulated by uh the federal government. And they don't have any such power and control over drugs because it's illegal.
**** So let's legalize them and then go after them the same way.