I'm not saying that Dean is unelectable. I think he would be a strong contender against Bush. I believe the same about several of the other candidates. Here's where you lose me:
"but his nomination (even if he then loses to Bush) would produce a profound ventilation - actually a violent shake-up - in the modern methodologies of what used to be known as the party of working people."
:wtf: Even if he loses to Bush? Are we actually supposed to embrace this prospect with a smile on our faces and a song in our hearts, so long as it also produces a "violent shake-up" in the party and puts political professionals' noses out of joint?
Two things:
Number One, we can't afford to lose this one - we need Bush out of the White House! He sleazed his way in last time - can you imagine the mandate he'd claim if he were actually elected? Also, observe the way the Patriot Act, Homeland Security, the FCC ruling, the stacking of the judiciary, etc. are poised to choke out political dissent in this country. And the war crimes, etc. that need to be investigated, but won't be unless Democrats have the clout in the White House and Congress. And please don't tell me that after the Plame affair a blind cockatoo could beat Bush in 2004 - it just ain't so, and wishing won't make it so.
Number Two, we've got to rethink our hostility to politicians and political professionals. A lot of this comes from RW propaganda. Politicians, trial lawyers, and reporters are the only impediments to corporate control of this country, so take everything negative you hear about them with several pounds of salt. If we want to take back Congress and the White House, the people who are going to do it for us are professional politicians (like Dean) and political experts. The grassroots can play an important part, but they can't do it by themselves. They need to work WITH the pols, not against them. Mr. Smith Goes to Washington was a movie, not reality. And if we can't get Congress and the White House back, you can kiss your progressive agenda goodbye, from civil liberties to the environment and everything between.
The party/political faction out of power gets nothing. The party/faction in power frames the issues and controls the debate, in addition to writing the law, appointing the judges, etc. If you want to see the country more EVEN FARTHER to the right, give George W. Bush four more years in the White House.