I'm in an ethical quandary here. We just had a high-powered disability activist come out here to argue against physician-assisted suicide (as practiced in Oregon and the Netherlands). She feels that PAS puts the lives of people with disabilities at risk. Here's her article on the subject: me. Marilyn is every bit as progressive as I am (and that's saying something!) And yet...
The 1999 California bill went down to defeat, due in part to an opposition coalition spanning the political spectrum from left to right. That coalition represented disability rights organizations, workers, poor people, physicians and other health-care workers, hospice organizations, Catholics, and right-to-life organizations.The other night she put her theory into practice. There I was, in a hotel room, laughing and talking over pizza -- with
anti's!! I was swapping jokes and stories with perfectly well-mannered people who just happen to want to replace our government with a Christian theocracy! A giddy, queasy feeling, indeed...
And so, there it is: is is right to deal with the Devil in order to get what you want? Marilyn says Yes, and she backed it up by pointing to the debate over the Patriot II act, in which good progressives like the Center for Constitutional Rights are working with FReeper/militia types who happen to like civil liberties. But still, I just can't shake the feeling that I'm in a bad sci-fi flick, and the woman handing me a Family Forum pen is one of the Pod People...
What say you?