An urgent memo from Paul Kurtz, Chairman of the Center for Inquiry:
Please help the victims of Hurricane Katrina. Donate today!
We are deeply distressed by the terrible tragedy caused by Hurricane Katrina. Tens of thousands of people have been displaced from their homes and many are without power or water. Unknown numbers of people remain trapped in New Orleans, and emergency response teams are overwhelmed. The Center for Inquiry and its affiliated organizations have launched an initiative to raise charitable funds for the area. We encourage all humanists, skeptics and rationalists to step forward and make a contribution through SHARE, the Secular Humanist Aid and Relief Effort.
All donations to SHARE from this campaign will go to AmeriCares for the benefit of victims of Hurricane Katrina. AmeriCares is a nonprofit aid and relief organization that coordinates distribution of medical supplies in response to natural disasters and for long-term humanitarian assistance programs. AmeriCares maintains stocks of emergency medical supplies and works with corporate donors to get needed supplies to disaster areas. They provide blankets, disaster relief supplies, vaccines, diapers, water purifers, tents, food, and other emergency items. AmeriCares also has an extremely low overhead, so donations go directly to help those in need.
----- Forwarded message from -----
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005
From: Center For Inquiry
Subject: Donate to SHARE to Help Hurricane Victims!
We are deeply distressed by the terrible tragedy caused by
Hurricane Katrina. As secularists, we believe deeply in our
obligations to our fellow human beings; and we must do what we
can to help those who have been displaced from their homes and
are in need of basic supplies and medical care in Louisiana,
Mississippi, and Alabama. The Secular Humanist Aid and Relief
Effort (SHARE) announces the launch of a major fund drive to
assist the victims of Hurricane Katrina. We are sending an
appeal to our readers and supporters around the world to assist
us in this heroic effort and donate today.
Hundreds of thousands of people have been displaced from their
homes and many are without power or water. Unknown numbers of
people still remain trapped in New Orleans, and emergency
response teams are overwhelmed. The Center for Inquiry and its
affiliated organizations have launched an initiative to raise
charitable funds for the area. We encourage all humanists,
skeptics and rationalists to step forward and make a
contribution through SHARE.
All donations to SHARE from this campaign will go to AmeriCares
for the benefit of victims of Hurricane Katrina. AmeriCares is a
nonprofit aid and relief organization that coordinates
distribution of medical supplies in response to natural
disasters and for long-term humanitarian assistance programs.
AmeriCares maintains stocks of emergency medical supplies and
works with corporate donors to get needed supplies to disaster
areas. They provide blankets, disaster relief supplies,
vaccines, diapers, water purifers, tents, food, and other
emergency items. AmeriCares also has an extremely low overhead,
so donations go directly to help those in need.
I hope you will join us in this endeavor and donate today to
help provide medical care and supplies to the victims of
Hurricane Katrina.
You can make your contribution through our secure online server,
Paul Kurtz
Chairman, Center for Inquiry
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