your nose and call me back". As usual, the quotes that CNN can never seem to find show up at the Howler. DAY IN THE LIFE! We start with Rush—and we end with Niger. It’s a day in the life of the press corps:
THURSDAY, OCTOBER 2, 2003TRADING PLACES: Omigod! Post sports reporter Leonard Shapiro really lets it rip today in a page-one report about Rush:
SHAPIRO: As a radio talk show host, Limbaugh once said he felt guilty about telling an African American caller to “take that bone out of your nose and call me back.” He still uses the mock dialect “ax” instead of “ask” when discussing black leaders on his syndicated radio show and often plays the theme song “Movin’ On Up” from “The Jeffersons” when referring to Carol Moseley Braun, the African American former senator from Illinois who is running for the Democratic presidential nomination.
Ouch! Shapiro actually dared describe Rush’s actual conduct! By contrast, we couldn’t help recalling Howard Kurtz’s treatment of Rush shortly after Election 2002. Rush had been savagely trashing Tom Daschle, producing a public complaint from the solon. But in his coverage of the incident, Kurtz was careful—very careful—not to include Rush’s stupid and ugly remarks (see THE DAILY HOWLER, 11/22/02). But then, we’ve reported the problem before—sports reporters are sometimes more careful about their craft than the grand figures who report the hard news (see THE DAILY HOWLER, 5/22/98). Maybe it’s time to trade places.
By the way, is Donovan McNabb a top QB? Or is that just liberal media hype? In this morning’s Washington Times, sports reporter Mark Zimmerman takes note of the obvious. “Members of the Redksins’ defense don’t have to be reminded of McNabb’s prowess,” he writes. “They’ve been torched by the multi-dimensional quarterback too many times to believe McNabb’s abilities are slipping away.” Yep—Rush was all wet when he ranked on McNabb. But guess what, ditto-heads? He fills your head full of total nonsense about politics and budget affairs each day, too! For example, have you ever heard Rush say that Reagan cut taxes and doubled revenues? Sports writers probably sense that’s pure crap. But political writers—a bit more timorous—know they must never discuss this.