Edited on Fri Sep-02-05 12:46 AM by JDPriestly
NO is our example of what life would be like if Libertarians and the Republican extreme right got their way. There is no effective government, and none of the amenities that government provides: no flood control, no electricity, no sewage system, no clean water, no medical care, no viable streets and transportation.
We now know what the ultimate result is if you just let market forces do their thing without government regulation. Sooner or later there is a Katrina or even some far less debilitating event and all organization disappears. Is this what Republicans and Libertarians want? Can they see now that without compassionate government, inevitably criminals -- white collar as well as violent ones take over. Force, not common sense, rules.
Let's don't forget this. Anarchy reigns in NO, and that is what the free market, Republican philosophy ultimately means. Anarchy and force will determine who is in charge, not democratic processes. There can be no order without a compassionate, responsible government that draws its authority from the trust and will of all the people including the very poor, not just the very rich.
IMPEACH BUSH and the rest of the Republicans who advocate the cruel, chaotic philosophy of the unrestrained free market.