We at DU have vast experience in accurately predicting just what the traitors in the White House will (and won't) do in any given situation. Knowing that everything they've ever said and done has been based not on reality but on political considerations, I had a bad feeling about this mess from the first moment I knew the possibility would indeed be the reality.
I'm sad to say I'm not the slightest bit surprised about anything that has failed to happen. I AM surprised that five days later there is STILL no one in charge. Not one person Democrat, Republican, OR Independent has stepped up and done a Haig. Hell, at this point I'd genuinely welcome a military coup, if it got something done. I'm disappointed that nobody is stepping up. It's apparent now that nobody WILL.
If I had a sanctuary outside this country, I believe right about now I'd seriously consider renouncing my citizenship and leave the country. Since I don't have that option, I can only hang my head in shame at the inaction of all those who have the means but not the balls (sorry, ladies) to take George Bush and his band of merry pranksters by the scruff of their necks and lock them away. Hundreds (some say thousands) have died and are dying, and not only do those in Washington sit there firmly on their hands, but they have actually REJECTED the offer of outside help!
I feel a sense of complete frustration and powerlessness I have never felt in all my fifty years of life. As I grew up I had the firm belief that I was living in the greatest country on the planet, among the kindest, gentlest, most giving collection of human beings that ever graced this ball of mud. That belief remains. I've also tried very hard to hang on to the concept of the United States as a beneficent power for good in the world. Unfortunately, that belief no longer exists in my heart. My steadfast belief in the system that governs us is irrevocably gone.
If this is the way it our country is destined to end, then so be it. Empires inevitably fall. Usually it takes a lot longer for it to happen, but this time a handful of so-called men have made our downfall come about in less than six years. And to think our end has come about because of a storm. How ironic.
I firmly believe this nation is finished as a cohesive power in the world. We've relegated ourselves to third-world status with barely a whimper from those "in charge", and there's not a single damned thing you and I can do to change it.
Fuck Washington. Fuck everyone in it. Fuck 'em all.