I really don't know where to start. I can't believe the things that are going on around me. Part of me isn't sure that I will even post this message but I have to write it and get it out.
In all my life I have never heard of such utter disregard for human life as this administration is showing us right now. They, through their lack of action, are killing innocent Americans. Many of them are helpless babies and the elderly. I realize that there are supporters of these idiots among us and understand that they support the administration for ideologies that match or come close to their own but we, someone, everyone needs to shove this in the face of every living American out there. NEVER EVER EVER RELY ON THE REPUBLICAN CONTROLLED GOVERNMENT FOR ANYTHING! They can not protect you and could care less about you. There actions today are proof! Gutting the money for needed levee repair is just the tip of the iceberg. They have done everything in their power to totally fuck up everything that this country stands for. They continue to show total disregard for the weakest among us and doing it all without a care in the world.
I really don't see how hard it is for the government to drop bottled water in a city in the freaking united states. I really don't understand how it has taken them 4 freaking days to even get to a point where they could get supplies into the area when they FREAKING KNEW THAT THE STORM WAS COMING! Let's not forget to tell the idiots who are saying that 'the people had ample warning to leave' that they fail to understand that the government had the same amount of time to prepare for this disaster. I don't understand how people can sit and support this administration while hearing on the news that babies are dying in the super dome because of dehydration.
People are dying because this administration decided to place more stock in 'vacation time' than working FOR THE PEOPLE!. Not that that ever mattered to the 'Vacation Administration' bunch. We should have gotten the hint as to how 'hard they work' from the vacation prior to 9/11.
This administration has dropped the ball so many times that many GOPers really don't give a hoot. Well, now, that thousands have been let down by this administration, in a very very public way, we all need to hold them accountable. Do not let our fellow Americans die in vain while this moron continues to escape reporters question. Don't let them. We all need to tell everyone that we know that this is what happens when we elect sub standard people to do a very serious job. This is what happens when you elect to go to war rather than invest in infrastructure. And this is how republicans manage American people. They let them die....
They really don't care for you. At all. Proof is when they refused to open the national reserves when oil jumped above $60 a barrel. They could cared less about how much you paid for gas. But just let one oil company ask and well you get Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman calling a press conference to open them up. Once again too little too late.
And while I am on this little tid bit of a rant, I would like to add that I would gladly dodge police bullets and break into any store that had food or water to feed my children. And SHAME on ANYONE standing in the way of these people trying to feed themselves and their families. The government let them down and they had to fend for themselves. I can not fathom the thought of someone stopping people from getting food and water. And for the actual looters, who cares. It's not like they are going to have a place to store anything they steal. What are they going to do with a flat screen TV. They can't physically take it out and they sure as hell can't keep it there. It is a waste of their energy trying to steal it anyway. Let them take it, it will be of no use and they will abandon it later anyway!