but, but, but, WE "Liberated" them Arabs.
Where are the rose petals ?
And haven't the neo-cons been on TV EVERY day this week telling
us Amerikans over & over how 'wonderful Iraq is' ?
"I just came back from Iraq, it's a disaster, people don't have electricity, water, garbage collection, sewage collection, jobs. They're angry, they're bitter. They say the United States money is not getting down to the people, it's going to Halliburton, it's going to Bechtel. Halliburton is making $2 billion,
Bechtel is making $1 billion. And they haven't been able to turn on the electricity or turn back the water supply. They can't do the job, plus they're wasting massive amounts of money. Even the governing
council that was hand-appointed by the U.S. is saying that the money being spent is being wasted because it's U.S. companies in charge instead of Iraqis."
--Medea Benjamin, of Global Exchange, PBS Newshour interview
September 22, 2003
full PBS NewsHour transcript -