I have heard it parroted by people I never expected would believe this crap. I have heard it from friends of mine who don't follow politics. Somehow, this mantra of blaming the victims has made its way to them and they shock me by saying things like, "to be honest, I can't feel sorry for them because they should have just left when told to do so." After I get over the shock of my beloved friends being so cold and uncaring, I begin to explain to them that the financially sound people all got out but the poorest of the poor (and this is probably the poorest part of America) could not do so. I ask them if they think it's just a coincidence that all we are seeing is poor black people suffering in the film footage from this disaster? Why are there no well-off white people lined up outside the evacuation centers? Exactly why is that? Do they really believe these people stayed because they are stupid? They stayed because they did not have the means to get out! I ask them why transportation was not furnished for these people when the government should have known that these people would not be able to get out on their own. Their usual reaction when confronted with these points is to stare back at me blinking. Once you point these things out, most, except the extremely selfish and arrogant, will realize you are right.
Then to top it all off, I inform them of the dismantling of the levee projects and the diverting of funds and the reaction is more looks of disbelief. We need to get out there among our friends and relatives and dispel the utterly selfish idea that the victims themselves are to blame for their situation. Don't let the rightwing media machine change the message. We all know they are selfish, heartless, irresponsible bastards, but we can't let them sway the opinions of our otherwise intelligent and caring friends. I realize when faced with something of this magnitude it's sometimes easier to say, "well, they were just stupid and that's why they are where they are," because it makes them feel less vulnerable, but I can't stand hearing that coming from the mouths of my otherwise caring friends, just because that's what the Shrub admin. wants everyone to believe.