Edited on Fri Sep-02-05 09:03 AM by Phoebe Loosinhouse
It has become apparent from reading many threads on these boards that FEMA was actually TURNING AWAY aid to the area from mulitple sources - churches with buses, A California search and rescue squad, some Loudon county Sheriffs and I bet there are many, many others. I guess the reason is this bogus - "we can't guarantee your safty" angle. Can you imagine FEMA is REFUSING AID to our dying citizens??! I hope all these people will step forward or maybe they can try again now that a light has been shone on this reprehensible, cowardly, heartless behavior.
America - next time it could be your homes and your city. We need to root out this evil that has gutted our ability to help our own.
Turn over the relief effort to the UN - we are officially in a third world status.