Stop and think.. we've all been expecting another 'terra' attack enginerred by Rove/PNAC to solidify the final takeover and destruction of the constitution and our rights. Either by stopping it at the last minute or being super effiecent at the 'recovery' by Homeland Security/FEMA. Lookin like heros and 'see how good we are'. Of couse they could do that by knowing WHERE/WHEN it was going to be and having everything ready to jump at the drop of a hat.
That's all been pretty well blown to hell hasn't it?
Homeland Security/FEMA - gutted, castrated and incompent.
Equipment/Supplies - non-existant
Troops - nothing.
Effective Response - none.
The gutting of FEMA, diversion of funds, National Guard and their equipment off in IRAQ.
they can try it now. If it took five years to make is this BAD, no one would believe they could suddenly be supermen.
Maybe in a very sick fashion, Katrina was a product of "Intelligent Design"... to take out the beast and the anti-christ.