It seems to me that we could be flying military cargo planes into it loaded with food, water, medicine, etc etc etc, and that we could be building a refugee center near to it on higher, drier ground. I just don't know why they start at the edge and start moving people back, working to where the majority of people are stranded. It just seems to me that if they would give these people what they need, that would end all the looting and lawlessness I keep reading about.
This is so fucking disorganized and haphazard, I don't know why with all the talk about terror attacks we haven't warehoused in different parts of the country everything necessary to deal with a disaster's aftermath. We could warehouse millions of mre's, medicine, and emergency supplies, we are dealing with incompetence on a mind numbing scale. It' been days now, there's been enough time to get our shit together, sometimes it's only our government that can deal with this, where the fuck are they?
What if this had been another lihop, or even worse a mihop? we would be so fucked. If this fucking retard doesn't pay for this, if these pukes continue to fuck us like they have, I don't care I'm dragging my crippled ass somewhere else in the world, I'll sell shit on street corners to live, right now I'm so fucking shocked and ashamed it's difficult to deal with this.
Watching the news last night and seeing pictures of people sitting dead in wheelchairs, a family dragging a dead person along behind them because they didn't know whatelse to do. This is just so wrong, we knew it was coming and did nothing, cutting funding so lil boots* could prove he had a bigger one, I tell you if I let my emotions run rampant now I'd be tombstoned so I'm stopping before I say something stupid.