can make. Anybody notice the differences? Major terrorist attack four years ago and the police, fire departments, the citizens were on top of it within minutes of the first plane hitting the towers. I personally believe it was due to the actions of eight years of Clinton and his administration being on top of the game, had plans in place, had police and firemen locked and loaded ready to go. (And they did not need a week's notice to alert the responders.) The knew their jobs and they did them. Wonder how many people these brave people saved that day? If 9/11 had occurred four years after Commander Bunny Pants took office what would we have seen on our TVs those next few weeks?
Fast forward four years of the Bushinistas. Planes into buildings is not the same as a category 4/5 hurricane - in either scope or devastation but our response could have been. After four, long, torturous years of this inept administration we are left with looting of the treasury, decimating the military, cutting funding for our police, fireman, emergency funding (while growing the largest "security" bureaucracy in history), re-directing funds to a war for corporate profits, dividing a country in epic proportions and generally sleeping on the job.
These differences need to be pointed out every chance we get. The dumb ass Chimpy has made us much less safer - no matter what the situation is. What is the next situation looming on the horizon that will bring us to our knees again due to the failures of the administration? Their incompetency is without a doubt the greatest example of the Republican Party of today.
End of rant.