We raised $50k for Andy in a matter of weeks. The Crawford peace house got over $150k in two weeks.
With your help DU, we can make a difference in the lives of the victims of Katrina. Slap a DU bumpersticker on your package, so that everyone knows where it came from!
The city of San Antonio is opening it's arms out wide to accept possibly over 40,000 refugees! The San Antonio Humane Society received 82 animals from Baton Rouge...over 60 were adopted that same day. Buy a can of fomula and a package of diapers, put them in a box with toothpaste, deodorant and soap!
The refugees in San Antonio will be here at least until the end of the year! We've got the manpower in San Antonio, we just need the donations! My wife is a personal friend of the director of the San Antonio food bank. They have done and continue to do amazing things for those in need!
http://www.safoodbank.org /
Their address is at the top of the page. This will go directly to the refugees.
The Salvation Army needs:
· Clothing – all types and sizes from newborn up
· Personal care items: toothpaste, toothbrushes, soap, shampoo, conditioner, etc.
· Linens: towels, washcloths, sheets, blankets
· To donate larger items: furniture, appliances, etc. call 211 for information
The San Antonio Food Bank needs: SAFB in conjunction with other area food banks, is leading a massive relief effort. Aside from monetary donations they need the following food items: (Think: Items that will not melt and do not require refrigeration)
· Paper goods: plates, cups, diapers, tissue.
· Cleaning supplies: Bleach, Top Job, Mr. Clean type products.
· Water: Bottled drinking water. (NO glass containers)
· Single serving snacks: Pop Tarts, Cereal Bars, granola bars, etc.
· Peanut butter
· Heat & eat foods: chili, stew, canned pasta with sauce, canned vegetables, etc.
· Lunchables or other single serving foods that do not require refrigeration
· MRE’s
· Tuna Fish
· Ensure or similar products
· Baby Formula
I love you San Antonio!