BILL: Hello? RUSH: Uh,...(papers shuffling)em'yes, Hello Mr.Clinton. BILL: Rush?Is that you? RUSH:Um yes it is my good friend. BILL: Damn Rush, I heard about what happened to you today.Shit, hows it feel? RUSH:Well obviously I am innocent of these charges. BILL:Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight. RUSH:I mean, theres no proof!Just gossip & heresay!There quoting the National Enquirer for God's sake!Have these people any shame? BILL:Well Rush, you quoted the Enquirer many times about me.My love child, my affair with Demi Moore,etc. RUSH:Thats a lie! BILL:Rush, if it were me or Hillary being reported about an investigation with drugs, you mean to tell me you wouldn't rant about it on show non-stop? RUSH: I am offended my good man that you would think I would sink so low! BILL:I see.Well Rush, why are you calling?What can I do for you? RUSH:I was wondering since all the Clinton haters out there did to you on a daily basis what the Liberals are doing to me,that you might offer me some advice. BILL Well Rush,heres the deal.ARe you worried? RUSH:God yes!I'm pissing in my pants! BILL:Well, I never worried about the heresay or gossip because A)I knew it wasn't true & B)I new thats all they had were un-named sources & heresay.I never worried because I was innocent of everything they accused me of. RUSH:I'm screwed! BILL:If your maid had a wire tap thats pretty good proof! RUSH:Like I said, I am screwed. BILL:Megga dittos Rush!I gotta go!Chelsea, Hillary & I are about to watch a movie!G'night!