Edited on Fri Sep-02-05 11:14 AM by ck4829
Let's go back in time 6 years.
Bush is in Elementary School, after being held back 37 times in the previous grade he was in.
Kid Bush: "Man, I've got an F on my test... AGAIN! My parents are going to withhold my allowance for 5 minutes."
New kid walks in
Kid Bush: "Who are you? I feel 'threatened' by you, I better take your lunch money to stay safe."
Kid Rove: "Be quiet!"
Kid Bush: "Yes sir!"
Kid Rove: "Now, I've got a plan to help you, and make me cool."
Kid Bush: "What are you going to do?"
Kid Rove: "You'll see, and all you will have to do is look pretty for photo ops. Heheheh."
Kid Bush: "SWEET! No thinking required."
A week later...
The teacher who gave Bush the F is facing a scandal. Let's just say it involves 14 goats and a sponge.
And the Freepers, eh, I mean Kindergartners attack anyone who accuses Bush of doing ANYTHING wrong.