I knew it. I knew it. I knew it. And there it was. Chimpy's chin all aquiver, standing there gladhanding the governors (except for Blanco....curious that she wasn't there, hmmmmmm??) and the other officials in the airplane hangar. George, you are soooooooo far beyond fucked at this point, that you can quiver your simian chin all you want....it ain't gonna fly. And then, and THEN.....you actually talk about Trent Lott's house being destroyed in the storm(!!!???)....good gawd man you are too stupid to live.....Karl must have slapped his forehead right and went "D'oh!!" a la Homer Simpson, at that exact moment and might well be drafting his resignation letter as we speak. But don't let that give you any ideas, George, we've reserved a special exit for you. Here's a hint: it involves handcuffs and black and white stripes. Oh, now see...there, I've given away too much already.....B-)