You can't blame a hurricane on any administration, even with the complicating effect of Global Warning.
But you can blame the fact that we weren't prepared for the onslaught on the political and social movement known as CONSERVATISM.
Reagan and his minion led the nation to believe that greed and selfishness are attributes of patriotism. They bled the coffers of our government of funds to send back to their constituents. They convinced the Limbaughs and Hannitys and Freepers that INDIVIDUAL needs trump the goals and desires of the country as a united whole. Before CONSERVATISM became popular we were willing and happy to support each other and keep each other in mind.
Why is it that the nation, under liberal leadership, could defeat polio, take man to the moon and split the atom could not pile dirt up around a dam or save neighbors who are stranded on rooftops within our sight.
Every conservative who wants to offer prayers and damn the victims because they lived in a city built below water level, should send the red cross the $300 that Bush gave them in tax relief and wonder how many people haved die so they could bank the equivalent of four tanks of gas.